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Help/FAQsThis section of the site will grow over time. If you have any questions other than those below, please email them to us and we will add them to this page to help others. I need to update my information in the alumni directory. Can I do that online? Yes. To change information such as your home or office e-mail address, your password, or other personal data, follow the 'Update my information' link at top right on every page and follow the instructions. You will need to provide your login and password to make any changes. What information do I need in order to search for someone in the Alumni Directory? The 'Member Search' facility is powerful tool, allowing you to search for members across a range of different information. You can make your search as broad as year of graduation, or as fine tuned as a person's first and last name. It is up to you. What kind of information on career services is available online? Currently, the links page contains a range of useful career information. Use this as a start point. As the chapter site evolves, the career services offering will also grow.